Saturday, April 26, 2014

Stop #18: Best Burrito in Portland...?

Last Friday I knew I was in for some Mexican and was feeling a bit conflicted.  I always love a burrito, but that seemed a little heavy.  Was I in the mood for a taco?  Maybe there would be a specialty surprise, like the panuchos at El Taco Yucateco from all those many weeks/months ago.

I ambled up to El Rodeo Taqueria, ready with my standard question: What's your favorite?  The gentleman said that he "likes the chicken burrito, but that is just him."  Well, I guess that committed me, qualms or no.  Burrito it was!

While I was waiting, a woman about my age approached me and said "He is just being humble.  Everything here is amazing.  My husband sends me here to get him the beef burrito - that is what I am doing now.  And I scored some tacos for me.  You are in the right place."  Well, now I was excited....

When my burrito was ready, I was offered red sauce or green sauce or both.  Both, naturally!!!  I made my way back to the office and unwrapped my lunch.  Which was the size of my head (see below).

 Then I took a bite.  Let's be real here - an outstanding burrito is something of a mystery.  I mean, the ingredients from one bundle of carbs and protein to the next are basically universal - beans, salsa, rice and some meat.  Maybe with some extras.  Usually very serviceable and hearty.

So this burrito.....Holy moly! It was the real deal.  The mercurial combo had been achieved - salsa fresca, pinto beans, rice, delicious and tender grilled chicken.  And the tortilla had been grilled as well, giving it a bit firmer texture and that added toasty flavor.  I think there was a little sour cream in there too, which never hurts.  And the sauces were both delicious - I alternated back and forth.

I ended up on a conference call while I was eating (I put myself on mute, natch.  I was NOT waiting around to eat this sucker.)  The problem was that in the process of eating and listening, I failed to notice until too late that I was eating the whole thing. I mean, look at that picture ----------------->
 And I ate that whole thing.  In one sitting.  Yeah, I basically couldn't move for the rest of the day, and for dinner was satisfied to just contemplate the idea of lettuce.

Ultimately, a delicious delicious burrito.  And very inexpensive!   Note: I also realized after I finished it that the sodium content was HIGH.  I drank an entire 32 oz bottle of water in about an hour -- but it was so so worth it.

If you go, I recommend buying a single burrito and sharing.  Or saving half for later.

El Rodeo:
Chicken Burrito $5.50 (+tip!)
Cash Only

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