Saturday, November 23, 2013

Stop #2: A Mexican Specialty

I am from California and I used to work in a Mexican restaurant so when it comes to Mexican cuisine, I generally feel I know my way around.  When I went to El Taco Yucateco, I asked the man who runs it to give me his favorite thing on the menu.  He said his favorite item was the panuchos.  Huh?  I had never heard of panuchos (which just goes to show that I my aforementioned bona fides were crap.) So I said go for it, give me three!

What magic was this?  I don't know exactly what was done to the tortilla that made it different than a hard taco, but it was certainly different.  The tortilla was a little softer, but still crispy and delicious (as all things that have been deep fried tend to be.)  Black beans, chicken, lettuce, onion, cabbage and the all holy avocado piled on top, with cilantro and a crazy spicy and peppery hot sauce to pour over.  Nom nom indeed.  Also, gluten friendly for those who need it!
Panuchos - $2 each (+tip!) 
Accepts Credit Cards

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