About the Project

In England - long long ago....

During college I spent a year living in England.  On a Friday or Saturday (or Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday) the evening's activities usually involved a visit to a pub, minor to major intoxication and a stop at a "chip van" for some drunken late night fare.  However, I usually held back when it came to the food.  With the exception of "chips and cheese and beans" (the best drunk food in the history of EVER) I was not too keen to buy anything from an establishment "that can pick up and drive away."  I mean, food borne illness anyone?

Fast forward *!#*^* years to my recent move to Portland Oregon.  It was clearly time to reconsider my position on buying food out of a truck, as my job is located about five blocks away from the massive congregation of food trucks that is 10th and Alder.   The first time I visited to grab a bite to eat, I was totally overwhelmed - Thai, Korean, Mediterranean, German, Japananese - Transylvanian! (????)  I wanted it all and couldn't begin to choose.  I mean, when you can have just about anything, where do you start?

At the beginning, I decided.  And thusly was the Friday Food Truck Project born.  Starting at the first truck I reach walking from the office (Dump Truck) and working my way east along Alder, around the corner onto the west side of 10th, then jumping across the street and working my way clockwise around the city block entirely lined with food trucks, every Friday I will visit the next food truck in line.  I will post a photograph of each truck as well as what I purchase, along with a brief description of the food, the cost and any extra information about the interaction I had with the person who served me/cooked my meal.  The entries are not meant to be "reviews" per se, but more a sense of what you can find or experience at each unique truck.

Also please note - I list the price of each item +TIP!  As a former (and still somewhat traumatized) server, tips matter.  These people take orders and then freakin COOK THE FOOD.  I always throw in at least a dollar on anything I buy.  And so should you! ;-)

In the interest of full disclosure, I have actually been doing this for a few weeks, but am only now getting around to putting the blog together.  I invite you to follow me on my gastronomic adventures around the world--in the space of a city block and a half.

Nom Nom y'all!

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