Amazing Non-truck PDX Food

Portland is becoming more and more well known nationally as a foodie haven.  This is due in part to the robust - nay, indeed exploding and expanding- food truck situation.  But it is also due to ardent passion for locally sourced, organic, fresh cuisine in establishments lovingly developed, designed and presented by individual entrepreneurs.   It is oh so very rare to eat out in Portland at a restaurant that isn't one of a kind - and if it isn't, it may be one of three that are variations of each other and scattered within the city.

While the thrust of this blog is the Friday Food Truck Project, it seems a shame not to share other bits of awesome that can happen inside four walls at a table.  All of those sorts of shout outs will appear on this page.

They talk about the "freshman 15," that phenomenon of gaining a little weight when someone starts college?  Yeah, well I see those 15 and raise you another 10 for the "Portland 25"!

Ken's Artisan Bakery:
 338 NW 21st Ave

Oh Ken's.  I broke the seal on this sucker and I am having trouble getting the genie back in the bottle.  A gentleman that I met at a play claimed that Ken's was the best bakery in town.  I intentionally tried not to find it, but as luck would have it, I ended up teaching a long term residency right around the corner.  I managed not to go in until my mother came to visit.  Then....we then had lunch there both days she was in town and contemplated a dinner visit as well (they have sandwhiches, soups and salads too.)  This place is amazing - the pastries are to die for and the bread is incredible.  From baguettes, to sliced whole grain to ciabbata, they NAIL bread.

Having My Mind Blown by a Croissant
with Local Berries

Run, don't walk....maybe in the opposite direction.  Because once you go in, you will keep being pulled back by the siren song of their croissants....

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