Saturday, March 29, 2014

Stop # 16: Curry on a Rainy Day

Folks, this one is for you.  Because it was very much due to knowing I had a blog post to write that I was willing to trek down to the trucks at all today.  It has been RAIN-NY up in here for the past few days and the forecast is promising more of the same all the way through the extended ten day forecast.  Harumph.  Well, it would be unfair to say that I hadn't been warned when I left California and relocated to the Pacific Northwest that rain and I were destined to get really, very deeply and truly well acquainted.

I made my way through the downpour and found that I Like Thai, the truck that had been closed last week, was up and running.  So Thai lunch it was!  The truck was super cute, with a bright red sign and a hand written menu describing the vegetables included in each dish.  Pretty standard Thai fare - noodle dishes, stir fried dishes with rice and curries.  You select your protein, which as this truck is described as "hen-pig-cow-shrimp-tofu".  Call it what it is, I suppose!

I asked the young lady for her recommendations.  However, I already sort of knew what I wanted, so when she said Pad Kee Mao and Sweet Basil with Rice, I broke my own rules and ordered the Panang Curry with chicken.  With the rain and still being on the mend from a cold, I wanted something hot and creamy.  I was given the option of white or brown rice and went with the brown.  Love having that choice.
Yay Veggies!

When my order was ready, I was handed a small paper bag that I hustled back to the office.  For an extremely low price, this was A LOT of food.  I ended up not being able to finish it (only the second truck so far where that has been the case!)  The curry was as warm and creamy as I'd hoped, however the flavors were a little subdued - I didn't get a really strong hit of curry spice.  And the vegetables were a smidge overdone - I like them really cripsy.  But it was a nice, south east asian comfort lunch that I thoroughly enjoyed - and will again tomorrow (yay leftovers!)

I Like Thai
Panang Curry with Chicken: $5 (+ tip)
That is A LOT of Curry

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