Sunday, May 11, 2014

Stop #20: Kid's Favorite with an Extra Twist

There were a few things that made this particular cart stop unique.  The first was that I was joined by my friend, the fabulous and immensely talented Merideth Kaye Clark whom I met way back when I was getting my masters at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival.  The second is that I arrived in a car.... Because it was just that kind of day in Portland.

Merideth had offered to pick me up from the office since the sky was looking threatening, but wanting to get myself moving after sitting at the desk all morning, I opted to meet her.  Just as I was walking over I-405, the sky OPENED.  And not just with water - hail, my friends.  HAIL!  In MAY!  I mean, I know that happens during those freakish storms that rip across the midwest and the south, but come ON!  As I ducked into a church doorway (like a god forsaken urchin) Merideth called and said she would come and grab me.

Merideth Giving her Order
Happily by the time we arrived at 10th and Alder, the insanity had ceased.  And I was excited - this week, it was the Grilled Cheese Grill.  (The final Thai cart in this little cluster was closed, as the owner was on vacation. Yay vacation!  We will hit them up next week.)

Now, a few things to know - grilled cheese is not something I usually allow myself or even particular crave.  However, I will use this post to announce that I am 14 week pregnant so not only are carbs and cheese the best thing EVER, I can eat them without my typical vain guilt.  Winning!

The Grilled Cheese Grill cart is actually one of three - the other two being located on the east side of the city.  I gazed at the menu rather overwhelmed, then asked the cool hipster guy (natch) who was taking orders which was his favorite: The Gabby with Pickles (we are, after all, in Portland....)  This sandwhich comes on toasted white bread (white bread, for the love of god.  Are adults allowed to eat that?) Between the two slices they melt Tillamook Cheddar, Swiss, Mozarella and Colby Jack (how are your arteries feeling?) Then just add pickles.

In an effort to balance things out a bit (and because why have grilled cheese without it) I ordered a cup of their tomato soup.  The young gentleman asked what was a good name to call.  I gave him my name, then realized I had missed a golden opportunity and asked to change it to "Their Royal Highnesses of Awesome."

 I am happy to report that he complied with vigor and enthusiasm.

 We headed back to the office and sat in the lobby to chat and eat.  OK, first off, they also include a handfull of awesome ridge cut potato chips with chunks of salt and pepper.  And a pickle spear if you want it (this is a question?)

The sandwhich was awesome - greasy and cheesy and crispy.  Felt like a real throwback to a childhood standard, but the pickles gave it that great something extra - a nice tart kick that was a perfect compliment to the cheesy richness.  The tomato soup was delicious as well - a touch sweeter than I usually like, with small chunks of diced tomato throughout.

I ate the whole thing.  Quickly and enthusiastically.  And then found it basically impossible to do anything else for the rest of the day.

Enjoy.  With caution.  Or abandon.

Grilled Cheese Grill:  
The Gabby With Pickles and a Cup of Tomato Soup: $8.50 (+tip)
ATM or Credit is an extra .50 fee

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